As you might have noticed, I have moved away from updating this blog as things continue to change in the world of social media and communication.
I will not abandon this blog entirely, but I do want to suggest that if you would like to follow along with the latest news, projects and creative endeavors, please update your bookmarks!
Bewitching Dreams on Facebook - This is probably the fastest and easiest way to follow along with my latest work in progress pictures and find out where my next show will be! You do not need to have a Facebook page to follow along, so please feel free to join me there!
The Dragon's Hoard on Facebook - The same holds true for my partner. He shares a lot of progress pictures and new projects through his Facebook page, so please give a Like to follow his creative journey!
Our Etsy Shop - The shop is still under the name Bewitching Dreams, but The Dragon's Hoard has his own section. Everything we sell we craft by hand and we are happy to work on personalized projects.
Also, Mark Your Calendar! The Central North Carolina Pagan Pride Days Festival is coming up on September 17th & 18th! This will be my fourth year in attendance and The Dragon's Hoard second year! We will have our own booth this year and while we will miss Yarn Twisters' company and laughter, we are very excited to venture out into our own space. Come out and see us, along with the many other amazing vendors!
No More Skirts
6 hours ago